Friday, 27 July 2018


Yeah, I'm dying in this heat as well, thanks for asking. Now moving on...

Earlier this year I stumbled upon GELD's 'Perfect Texture' LP online and ended up playing it constantly. I ended up going to send a message to them saying how much I liked it and that I would love to do something in the future, only to find an unread message from the band asking if I was interested in doing the record some months before. Argh. Anyhow, aside from feeling like an idiot we're now bringing you (with some help from the wonderful Iron Lung Records) not one, but two GELD releases:


Swirling psychedelic D-Beat madness from Melbourne, Australia with members of KRĂ–MOSOM and POWER. Acidic fuzz guitars and wild distorted vocals snarling out 11 songs about suffering, vulnerability, paranoia and banality are what make up the perfect texture of living in today's doomed world. "Perfect Texture" offers about as much comfort as a swarm of angry bees whose nest has just been kicked. Originally released earlier this year on Iron Lung, this record quickly became a firm favourite and we're very happy to present it to the UK and Europe.

400 copies on purple vinyl, with a huge full colour poster and lyric sheet housed in a 350gsm glossy sleeve.

and also a brand new 7" EP!


A nasty follow up EP to the Perfect Texture LP released earlier this year finds GELD in a more irascible and unhinged state. Soft Power expands on the band's vision of a freer form of D-Beat with noisier sounds, tighter dimensions, wilder visions and subtler experimentation with carefully placed nuances. Don't be tricked into thinking this is some sort of hippy dippy jam band bullshit though, every second of this is cruelly calculated and executed with the utmost care. Damn. 

100 copies on Red Vinyl for mailorder, 300 copies on Black Vinyl for everyone else.

Both of these will be released on Friday August 31st, and you can pre-order both from HERE.

If you're in America or Canada, please order from Iron Lung. Thanks!